Weekly Update (Week 32, 2022)


I’ve started to take some days off, since work is quite as most of my co-workers are off on August. I’m still working most of the week, but I’m taking some days here and there.

Tried Paddle for the first time in the Lac d’Annecy. It was fun, and I would like to try a couple other water sports to see what I like best.

I’ve continued my work on Metalmind, namely a small re-design to make the UX a more keyboard-centric. To do that I’ve had to fork Toast UI Editor though, which is not ideal but I have found no other alternative. I’ve tried to merge the changes upstream, but with no luck so far.

I’ve caught up to some movies as well: tick, tick…BOOM!, Purple Hearts (romantic movies are not my favorite, but this one wasn’t that bad) and April Captains (about the Carnation Revolution in Portugal).