40 Thoughts At 40


40 Thoughts At 40 by Brad Frost.

Human potential. We’re capable of SO MUCH MORE than we think. It’s such a shame to watch people talk themselves out of good ideas. We’re more than our work. We’re more than our hobbies. We’re even more than our roles as son/daughter, partner, parent, and friend. You’re the only you there is, and you have so much to offer to the world. Those ideas you have in your head are worth exploring. Look for opportunities to explore and realize your potential. You’ll be surprised at how attainable things are, and I don’t think you’ll regret exploring.

The “seasons of life” framing has helped me think about my actions, roles, and priorities as more contextual rather than a more rigid “you are and must always be this kind of person” perspective. The seasons will change; your priorities and mentality ought to change with them.

“Every job has a shit sandwich that you have no choice but to eat.”

Stability. Stability. Stability. One value that’s emerged for me over the last number of years is the importance of stability. The world is an uncertain place, and I work for stability for my family and the people in my life. I view money as a tool for achieving stability. I view maintaining my house as a way to achieve stability. I view taking care of my mind, body, and spirit as a way of achieving stability.