This is a list of interesting videos (mostly tech) which I hope to watch some day, gathered from different sources. Once I watch them, they will be converted to notes and stored on my bookmarks.
I try to sort them from time to time. The one at the top of the list is probably the one I’ll watch next.
Rust, WebAssembly, and the future of Serverless by Steve Klabnik
A lot of things have been said about WebAssembly inside of the browser; after all, that’s why it was originally created. But a new case is emerging as well, and that’s WebAssembly on the server. More specifically, we’re seeing a rise of support for WebAssembly in serverless application platforms, combining two brand-new technologies together. We’re also seeing a lot of growth of the Rust programming language, and its close alignment with WebAssembly. In this talk, Steve will talk about Rust, WebAssembly, serverless technologies, and how it all fits together.
GOTO 2017 • The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture • Martin Fowler
During my career, I’ve often people heard people describe their systems as “event-driven”. But when looking deeper that phrase seems to lead to some very different architectural assumptions. On a recent workshop we identified four different patterns […]
Lean back and relax while enjoying a deep dive into the wonderful world of the Emacs editor. Emacs renaissance came with the advent of Clojure and undoubtedly is the most popular editor among Clojurians today. Of course there is a lot more you can do with Emacs, but much like playing an instrument, great skill only comes with practice.
DevTernity 2019: Jakub Nabrdalik – Common Mistakes When Moving to Microservices
Common mistakes when moving to microservices that I’ll discuss and provide solutions for: No realistic architecture process (architecture decisions too rigid, or not taken; infra vs domain; architecture guild vs no cooperation, knowledge sharing ); QA thinks testing end-to-end is possible; Management wants to control deployment; Devs, not DevOps; Not understanding event-based architecture; Not using the tools properly (Kafka); Relying on cloud provider shitty tools; Error-prone team setup; Pivots vs domain vs team composition.
DevTernity 2019: Peter Gfader – Achieving Technical Excellence in Your Software Teams
Our industry has a problem: We are not lacking software methodologies, programming languages, tools or frameworks but we need great software engineers. Great software engineer teams build quality-in and deliver great software on a regular basis. The technical excellence of those engineers will help you escape the “Waterfall sandwich” and make your organization a little more agile, from the inception of an idea till they go live. I will talk about my experiences from the last 15 years, including small software delivery teams until big financial institutions. Why would a company like to be “agile”? How can a company achieve that? How can you achieve Technical Excellence in your software teams? What developer skills are more important than languages, methods or frameworks? This will be an interactive session with a Q&A at the end.
GeeCON Prague 2019: Alex Soto - Service Mesh patterns
As we start to go toward cloud-native infrastructure and build our applications out of microservices, we must fully face the drawbacks and challenges to doing so. Some of these challenges include how to consistently monitor and collect statistics, tracing, and another telemetry, how to add resiliency in the face of unexpected failure, how to do powerful feature routing (ie feature graduation, tap compare ) and much more like securing your services correctly. Service mesh, in general, helps developers solve this in a non-invasive way. In this session, we’ll show how you can take advantage of these capabilities and show you some patterns that you can implement easily with a service mesh to make your delivery to production smoothly and without surprises. We expect most developers haven’t adequately solved for these issues, so we’ll take it to step by step and build up a strong understanding of Istio and its patterns, harness its power in your production services architecture.
Always Be Running - Long Running and Fault Tolerant Java Services
GOTO 2019 • Modern Continuous Delivery • Ken Mugrage
The first product build specifically for Continuous Delivery pipelines came out over 10 years ago. The Continuous Delivery book came out 9 years ago. In the time since we’ve seen massive changes in the types of software we’re building, testing and deploying. Yet the way we think about pipelines hasn’t changed in many cases. Now that we as an industry are trying to think “cloud first” what changes does that imply in our architecture? What about our organization? How we test? How we secure our systems? This talk will show several intertwined changes to how we think about pipelines […]
GOTO 2020 • Q&A - Monolith to Microservices with Sam Newman and Sven Johann
Once a topic becomes main stream, many people stop asking questions and just adopt those topics almost to the extreme. Too much, too early. Microservices need to be as small as possible, no-touch continuous delivery, chaos toolkit and game days from day one, etc. The learning for the audience should be what questions do I need to ask to get Microservices and their delivery right and what are sensible steps towards the a chosen […]