
πŸ”— The Lisp Curse
πŸ”— Breakfast for Eight Billion
πŸ”— A holistic perspective on intellectual property, part 1
πŸ”— No one's coming. It's up to us.
πŸ”— In the face of this, who do you want to be?
πŸ”— We Don't Need More Cynics. We Need More Builders.
πŸ”— Inside the Technology Radar: A Thoughtworks documentary
πŸ”— Managing Oneself
πŸ”— 40 Thoughts At 40
πŸ”— My path to staff engineer
πŸ”— The past, present, and future of local-first
πŸ”— How social networks prey on our longing to be known
πŸ”— Carta a mi pasado yo: Te debo la rebeldΓ­a
πŸ”— Against optimization
πŸ”— Getting Past Bare Minimum Code Reviews
πŸ”— The "Three-Body Problem", the Imperative of Survival, and the Misogyny of Reactionary Rhetoric
πŸ”— Mega tech companies are cheaters
πŸ”— Hammock Driven Development
πŸ”— Obituary for a Quiet Life
πŸ”— It could be better for everybody β€” a review of Limitarianism in just 335 words
πŸ”— What Precious Things Does The Corporate World Steal From Us?
πŸ”— The tech industry doesn't deserve optimism it has earned skepticism
πŸ”— Towards a quieter, friendlier web
πŸ”— Bookending
πŸ”— Dave Filoni Expertly Explains the Genius of the Star Wars Prequels
πŸ”— Netflix's 3 Body Problem is sci-fi. But beyond the alien threat lies the trauma of modern China
πŸ”— You can have two Big Things, but not three
πŸ”— Continuous Uninterrupted Solo Walks
πŸ”— Struggling with a Moral Panic Once Again
πŸ”— How I conduct weekly reviews with Obsidian
πŸ”— Copyleft licenses are not "restrictive"
πŸ”— Correct Backups Require Filesystem Snapshots
πŸ”— The three-or-four-hours rule
πŸ”— Designing an Icon for Your App
πŸ”— The Life of an Inspiring 85-Year-Old Change Maker!
πŸ”— The PARA Method - The Simple System for Organizing Your Digital Life in Seconds
πŸ”— What the world needs
πŸ”— Neofeudalism: The End of Capitalism?
πŸ”— ActivityPub Is To The IndieWeb As A.I. Is To Silicon Valley?
πŸ”— Uber ETA - System Design Newsletter
πŸ”— My Complete Obsidian Workflow to Manage My Life
πŸ”— Multi-page web apps
πŸ”— The Most Practical Skill: Four lessons from four decades of note-taking
πŸ”— Tool Confusion - Pythonic code with flake8, tox and precommit
πŸ”— TCR9, part 1: dΓ©part
πŸ”— Responding to "Focus"
πŸ”— How to go to war with your employer
πŸ”— Keeping positive in the face of climate disaster
πŸ”— Desktop Neo – rethinking the desktop interface for productivity
πŸ”— The Case Against AI Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
πŸ”— I’m a Luddite (and So Can You!)
πŸ”— Splitting the Web
πŸ”— Always go too far because that's where you'll find the truth and frozen microwave cake
πŸ”— 3 advantages of consent-based decision making
πŸ”— On successor states and websites
πŸ”— Esther Crawford on Twitter, Before and After Charles Foster Musk's Takeover
πŸ”— The Ant, the Grasshopper, and the Antidote to the Cult of More
πŸ”— All this unmobilized love
πŸ”— Authoritarian and Democratic Technics
πŸ”— These Are the Tools I Know I Know
πŸ”— Humane: A New Agenda for Tech
πŸ”— Preparing for middle age
πŸ”— Outside
πŸ”— Mastodon's thread about France's pension reform
πŸ”— Unlocking the power of optionality
πŸ”— What if climate change meant not doom β€” but abundance?
πŸ”— An Ontology Of Electronic Waste
πŸ”— Bullet points about mental health
πŸ”— Ne vous laissez plus dΓ©POSSEder de vos contenus !
πŸ”— Culture vs systems
πŸ”— Enable Full Text RSS Feeds in Hugo
πŸ”— Should private platforms engage in censorship?
πŸ”— Safe defaults.
πŸ”— The Paradox of Goals